Elizabeth Hamson
Creative Media L3
What were your aims today?
My aims today was to look into research into what the brief is and research into different charity videos and websites.
What progress have you made? How can you improve your work?
The progress that I have made is doing more research into different charity websites and adverts to understand what they look like. I have also got some basic ideas on what the stone pillow video could include and be about.
How effectively have you planned ideas as part of a team?
We have effectively planned ideas as a team as we have both equally contributed to some ideas on what the stone pillow video could be about and what different scenes could be.
How effectively are you using research into existing charity films to support your own ideas development?
I think that I have being using research into existing charity films quite effectively in the development of my own ideas as I have learnt what different charity adverts there are and this helps give me ideas on what I will do for the stone pillow video.
How effectively are you using new creative approaches (from Cole Bennet/Lyrical Lemonade) to develop your own ideas?
We are using the creative approaches from Cole bennet by using the idea of having sketches incorporating in the video.
What else can you do to develop your project? (software tutorials, location scouting, research other artists etc)
I could learn software tutorials on how to add doodles and sketches to videos and add interesting effects.
Reflection 10/01/2020
What were your aims today?
My aims today were to film so videos around collage to practice drawing over the videos and to create the same style as lyrical lemonade.
What progress have you made? How can you improve your work?
Progress that I have made is learning/experimenting on how to add sketches and drawings to the video. I did this by using word and premiere pro. It improved my work as it gave a added effect of the video switching from a video to sketch and back.
How effectively have you planned ideas as part of a team? How effectively did you use visual planning/storyboards to plan camera angles, framing, composition?
In my group we started planning/drawing out a story board on what we plan to film and the storyline of the video. We also planned out what props we need the camera angle of the scenes and where we plan to film it.
How effectively are you using the influence of directors like Wes Anderson and Stanely Kubrick to support your own use of composition?
We might be using black and white or one or two colours like Stanely Kubrick and Wes Anderson to show the characters emotions and surroundings.
How effectively are you using new creative approaches (from Cole Bennet/Lyrical Lemonade) to develop your own ideas?
I am using the new creative approaches from lyrical lemonade to improve my work. For example I have added sketches/drawings to the video to give the same type of effect that is used in lyrical lemonade.
Reflection 13/01/2020
What were your aims today?
My aims today were to make another storyboard on the stone pillow video and to get images of where I would like to film.
What progress have you made?
Progress that I have made is that I am getting closer to my final idea of the video and I have gone into more depth about how the scenes are getting filmed.
How effectively have you planned ideas? How effectively did you use visual planning/storyboards to plan camera angles, framing, composition?
I have made another storyboard on what I plan to do with the video. I also took images of where I want to film. I have also changed scenes to add symmetry.
Reflection 15/01/2020
Peer evaluation
Peer evaluation on storyboard
WWW- the images are easy to follow and they are not stick figures
EBI - go into more detail about the shots and the transitions
Reflection 17/01/2020
What were your aims today?
My aims today were plan out when I am filming and what scenes I am filming on what days and where they are. Also to write a risk assessment on what could happen when filming.
What progress have you made?
I have and better understanding on what I am filming where exactly I will be filming and what days I am filming the stone pillow video.
How effectively have you planned ideas? How effectively did you use visual planning/storyboards to plan camera angles, framing, composition?
I have planned my ideas quite well as I have plans on where I am filming what shots and what's happening in each scene and what days I am filming. I have also planed out a risk assessment on what could go wrong whilst filming the video. I have scenes of symmetry and leading line. And had an idea when doing the sketches to add framing.
Reflection 22/01/2020
What were your aims today?
My aim today was to film some scenes for the stone pillow video.
What progress have you made? How can you improve your work?
I have filmed some video clips for stone pillow and have done a bit of editing of some of the videos. To improve my work I need to shoot some more videos for stone pillow and try to do some more editing to give the effect of the drawings on top of the video.
How effectively did you use visual planning/storyboards to plan camera angles, framing, composition?
I have used visual planning to figure out what I need to film by using a story board. I have also planned out when I want to shoot the scenes and when.
When you shot your footage, how did you make changes from your storyboard planning? Why was this?
When I was shooting the footage some of the shots were looking slightly different compare to the story board and the planning.
For your footage so far, how can you improve the use of composition? Will you need to re-shoot?
I had a problem with the two shots as one scene after another didn’t work as the teddy bear was in a completely different positions in the different shots so it didn’t work.
Can you plan several variations, rather than one single outcome? Give examples:
I have planned a few outcomes of the video one being a person sitting at the end.
What new creative approaches (from Cole Bennet/Lyrical Lemonade etc) have you used to develop your own ideas?
The creative approach from Cole bennet has helped to develop my own ideas by helping to improve the video I am making for stone pillow and make it more interesting and different.
What ideas, techniques and approaches will you use in future to make further changes?
I want to maybe add so filters onto the video.
What technical challenges and problems have you faced? How did you try to solve these?
The zoom wasn’t working on the camera properly so we had to adapt and do shots that didn’t need a smooth and slow zoom.
Will you use emotional sound?
I will be using music over the videos.
Reflection 24/01/2020
How closely did you follow the storyboard and shooting script? What problems arose in trying to follow your storyboard and shooting script?
I am following it slightly although it might change. The problems that I am having following the storyboard is that theres a shot that show two different angles one after the other although when filming the teddy bear was in two separate positions so the video didn’t flow or look right.
What problems have you had in shooting the film?
I am having a slight problem, of when I am moving the bear sometime the hands show in the shot which makes it look unrealistic.
What problems did you have in compositing graphic/drawn elements into the film?
I haven’t really done much of compositing graphic/ drawn elements but I have done one of many words written around one of the shots of the bear although I haven’t finished it yet.
What were your aims for this week:
My aims for this week was to video clips for the stone pillow website an to start to edit the videos.
How have you tried to use effects and compositing?
I have tried to use effects and compositing by trying to add drawings to the video although the technique I used didn’t really work I am going to use photo shop to insert the drawings. I have also added text the video although I don’t particularly like it and may change it later.
What went well?
What went well was that I filmed some alright shots for the video and I was able to add a black and white filter to the video which improved it.
How can it be improved? Explain problems that you had; suggest how to improve and solve these problems.
What could be improved is redoing a few shots that didn’t really work for example the teddy bear walking as our hands were in the way of the shot. I also need to improve on my editing skill and add more sketches and effects.
How has your story boarding and shooting script helped you when shooting? Explain changes you made from your planning.
My storyboard has helped me understand what I want to and what angles I want to film. It also helps me understand the narrative.
What problems did you have in making your storyboards? (ie being unclear about shoot location, making the story flow from shot to shot, not planning the use of props, feeling that the idea was not working):
Problems that I had with my storyboard was that the times weren’t slightly right. Also the storyboard might slightly change to the outcome as certain shots may not work or I might want to add shots that I didn’t plan in my story board.
How effectively did you use the cameras for shooting? Were there any technical problems? (ie camera shake, lighting focus, bad dolly effect):
I think I was quite efficient but there were technical problems for example the camera was shaking slightly or the angle wasn’t right and didn’t clearly show the shot.
How well did you use compositional devices, such as framing, symmetry, leading line? How can you solve any compositional problems (ie wonky angle, poorly composed, symmetry askew):
I haven’t really used much of compositional devises although I have used symmetry a lot I think I need to include more.
Reflection 24/01/2020
Reflection 27/01/2020
What were your aims for today:
My aims for today was to add work to my Wix, do some extra filming and to start on doing more editing.
What went well?
What went well was that I got the work up onto wix and I finished filming the scene and started on editing.
What technical problems did you have, ie with using software? Suggest how to improve and solve these problems.
Problems that I have had is not being able to change the speed/duration of the clip. To solve this I need to research it and look at tutorials on you tube. I also need to look up more tutorials on premiere pro to improve my editing skills.
What shooting and compositional problems did you have, ie in using framing devices, in using ECU (extreme close ups)?
Filming problems that I had was that when filming the teddy walking and moving our hands kept showing n the shot so we had to figure out different shots and techniques to improve it.
What problems did you have in shooting from your storyboards?
Some shots were a lot harder to film as our hands were showing in the shots. I also slightly changed for the storyboard because I filmed more different shots.
What problems have you had on the shoot, ie weather, noise, lighting? How have you tried to resolve the problems?
There's been a few problems with the weather being to dark or raining so we have just waited until it cleared. Also we had also of people passing by that we had to make sure weren’t in the shot.
Planning 31/1/20
Today I aim to:
Edit and reflect
I will reflect and check for quality by:
Peer assessment
Resources/equipment needed:
Premiere pro
Research to do (tutorials, artists/filmmakers, conventions):
To research into tutorials for premiere pro.
What were your aims for today:
My aims for today was to edit my stone pillow video.
What went well?
I was able to add music to the video.
What technical problems did you have, ie with using software? Suggest how to improve and solve these problems.
I struggled using the software as I don’t know much, to improve this I need to watch more tutorials and experiment with different shots. I also had a problem with some of the shots showing people hands and one shot didn’t work as it didn’t look like the teddy bear was walking as the background wasn’t working.
What new techniques have you explored?
I have explored adding text and transitions.
How well have you used planning? How useful has the story boarding been?
The storyboards have been slightly useful although from the storyboard the way the video is layed out and its narrative/story is slightly different.
What would make the storyboards more useful as a planning tool?
What would make my storyboard more useful would be to go into more detail about the camera angles and camera shots.
What shooting and compositional problems did you have, ie in using framing devices, in using ECU (extreme close ups)?
Some of the shots that I filmed included peoples hands so they could be used.
When is the deadline for the project?
The deadline for the project is Wednesday the 12th of February 2020.
What do you still need to complete? Will you meet the deadline?
I still need to finish off a bit of my video and do my evaluation.
What were your aims for today:
My aims today are to edit my video and add more research.
What went well?
I was able to add more research and edit more of my video.
How effectively are you using this project to develop and extend your skills for industry?
I am learning more on how to use premiere pro and how to edit videos to improve how they look.
What technical problems did you have, ie with using software? Suggest how to improve and solve these problems.
Technical problems that I have had using the software is not knowing how to animate text and make it appear and disappear. I learnt this by someone showing me by clicking on the text that has been written and going to effects where there are numerous effects that you can add to the text.
What new techniques have you explored?
Techniques that i have explored is adding adjustment layers to the video and adding text. Also making the text animated.
How well have you used planning? How useful has the story boarding been?
I have used planning well by using recce shots, time planning and story board although it was slightly changed due to what I filmed didn’t exactly fit my story board.
Reflection/ Problem Solving 5/2/20
Problem Solving 5/2/20
I had a problem with not being able to add fade in and fade out with the clips and the transitions to a clip wasn't working
7/2/20 Reflection
Think about the progress you have made this week: what has gone well? What are you most pleased with?
This week I have been able to edit the majority of the stone pillow video on premiere pro. I am pleased that I have added music text and been able to animate the text. I have also added a sketch/drawrings to the video inspired by Cole Bennett.
How successfully have you learned new processes? What needs to be improved?
I have learnt how to add a black and white filter to the video. I also have learnt how to add animation to my text which has improved my video and make it flow more. What could be improve would to maybe make the filter a bit more grainy and to maybe add some more effects or sketches.
How effectively have you shown the influence of different filmmakers’ work, such as Cole Bennett? What else can you take from their influences? What can be improved?
Cole bennet helped influence my work by adding sketches to my video which it make it more interesting and creative.
Analyse your use of composition and framing: how does it help tell the story? How well have you used framing to guide the viewer in looking at the action on screen?
I haven’t done that much framing but I have used leading line from the bears hand and the ground when it gets dropped. I have also used symmetry to make the bear the centre focus of the scenes and to show he has nobody ,nobody to help him on either side of him.
How have you used composition, lighting and texture to create mood and atmosphere? How can this be improved?
I have made the lighting a lot darker to make it seen sadder. I also want to add more texture to the video to enhance the textures of the bear and to make it stand out.
If you were to re-shoot, what would you change? Will you re-shoot?
If I were to re-shoot I would differently redo a few of the shots as some of they are quite wobbly and it would look a lot better and professional if it was more still
What were your lesson intentions for today:
My lesson intentions for today was to continue to finish editing the stone pillow video and add some sketches and drawings to the video.
Did you make sufficient progress? Are you on track to meet the Friday deadline?
I have added more drawings to the video improving it and adding effects for the images to fade in and out. I think that I am on track to meet the deadline on Friday as I have nearly finished editing and I then just need to do my evaluation.
What went well? What can be improved? Explain aspects of your work that you are not satisfied with. Use peer feedback to explain in minute detail.
What went well was that I was able to add the images to the video and I was able to properly freeze a frame for a long amount of time. What could be improved is that the font used in the video doesn’t really work with the video so I will need to change that. I also want to add some more transitions into the video to improve the flow of the video.
What technical problems did you have, ie with using software? Suggest how to improve and solve these problems.
Technical problems that I had was that sometimes the images background wasn’t completely edited out or I edited out the image a bit too much that I wanted so I have to redo it and change the colour of the image so I could see the difference between the background and teddy bear. I also had a problem with the transitions of the bear to sketch some of the transitions didn’t work as the whole video went blurry so I changed the transition to make it also quicker to blur in or out.
What new techniques have you explored?
Techniques I have explored is changing the transitions to make then less or more blurry and what speed this happens at.
Explain how you used team/pair work to learn new processes and get feedback on your work:
I used team and pair work to help learn process for example like duplicating a clip and adding text and animating it. I also got feedback for example I got told that the font doesn’t really work with the clips and a san serif type font will look a lot better.
How has your work shown the influences of different filmmakers? (framing, editing, use of composition, colour)
I have used colour to show an emotion of the teddy bear (black and white filter). I have also used symmetry to show there's nobody there for him.
What are the main challenges facing you in completing the project to a high standard?
The main challenges that I am facing in completing the project is the level of complexity of the editing of the video for stone pillow as I don’t know many skills in premiere pro.
How do you need to modify your plans this week, in order to meet the deadline?
I need to finish off editing of Wednesday and hopefully start the evaluation at the end of Wednesday and Friday.
10/2/20 Reflection
What were your lesson intentions for today:
My intentions for today's lessons was to add some more research and start on my final evaluation.
Did you make sufficient progress? Are you on track to meet the Friday deadline?
I met progress on adding more research to my website, uploading more images and work to my website and I have started on my final evaluation. I think that I am on track as I need to just spent a few minutes on my video editing and to finish my final evaluation.
What went well? What can be improved? Explain aspects of your work that you are not satisfied with. Use peer feedback to explain in minute detail.
What went well is that I have done a lot more research and I have uploaded work and images. What could be improved is adding a few finishing touches to my edit of the stone pillow website and to finish my evaluation which needs to be in a lot of detail and depth.
What technical problems did you have, ie with using software? Suggest how to improve and solve these problems.
I haven’t really edited today although I have had a problem with the wix website not saving and crashing although to fix this I had to login again and luckily the work that I had done was still there.
What new techniques have you explored?
I haven’t really explored new techniques today although I have learnt about compositing and what it is.
How has your work shown the influences of different filmmakers? (framing, editing, use of composition, colour)
My work has shown the influence of Cole Bennett where he adds drawing to his videos.
What are the main challenges facing you in completing the project to a high standard?
The main challenges I am facing to complete my work for Friday is the editing of the video and going into depth on the final evaluation.
How do you need to modify your plans this week, in order to meet the deadline?
I need to modify my plans to do some more editing on Friday and to finish my final evaluation.
12/02/20 Reflection