Elizabeth Hamson
Creative Media L3
•Secondary research means information you have got from online, books videos.
•Primary research means information you have gathered for example your own knowledge, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups.
•Quantitative research data means it defined as the value of data in the form of numbers
•Qualitative research data means detailed research with long answers.

Different forms of research
Spider diagram or different research and primary questions
Rule of thirds-The rule of thirds is based on the fact the human eye is naturally drawn to a point about two thirds up the page
Symmetry- Both sides of the image are similar
Framing devices- Shooting through something to get the main or additional subjects behind it
Leading line- Natural lines in the image that lead the viewer's eye to another point in the image or, occasionally, out of the frame entirely.
Photography conventions

Chuck Anderson
No pattern is his company.
He is a visual artist, designer, illustrator
He experiments a lot
He went from drawing to digital.
He did flyers for a sports team and then got asked by somebody to do a mc Donald’s ad.
His advice is to be curious.
His work is very creative and experimental.
He uses good techniques to do a good finish
His work is very bold and very good and he likes to play around with different techniques.
Discovered photography in collage and made his family have their photos taken
He tries a lot of different things
He likes them to show emotion
He is creative
Some of the photos are very timeless
He likes the person to be relaxed and have fun

Research of Photographers

Here I have made questions for my target audience to answer to get more information about 16-18 year old.This was primary research and helps with the making of my magazine. From conducting this research I have found that the majority of my audience is 16-17. I have found that they mainly like the pastel colour scheme which I will include in my magazine. I have found that they have a lot of social media. I have also found that they prefer more images to information. From my research I have also found that sports is the most thing the audience is interested in which is good as I am doing a running magazine. I have also found that the audience enjoys both information and entertainment so I will make sure that I will include a mixture.
Here I have a screenshot of a collage of different running magazine which I have found online. This has helped me as I can see the layout and design of the types of magazines although they are not targeted at a 16-18 audience.